About The Author
Lynn is a trauma-informed narcissistic abuse recovery coach, author, personal survivor, host of the Moving Forward with Hope - Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Podcast, and creator of the YouTube Channel, Wake the Elephant. Her books include Overcoming the Devastation of Narcissistic Abuse: How to Heal, Recover and Take Your Life Back and Master Manipulators: Discover Covert Tactics Narcissists Devise to Manipulate, Deceive and Control. She is passionate in encouraging others through the stages of healing and recovery from narcissistic emotional abuse. Lynn is available for interviews, podcast appearances, and collaborating on related projects. In her free time, Lynn enjoys traveling (both internationally and domestically) and spending time near the beach in warm weather. The purpose of this site is to validate victims (now survivors and overcomers!) of narcissistic abuse, provide resources and encouragement toward rebuilding lives, and to facilitate a revolutionary change to pursue dreams, visions, and living intentionally. If you have found our free material to be useful and beneficial, please head to our Support Page to learn how you can support our mission. We thank you in advance. Subscribe to our email list and follow us on Social Media to stay connected @waketheelephant.Validate. Rebuild. Revolutionize.
Breaking Free from the Dopamine Trap: 6 Signs of Idealization in Narcissistic Recovery"
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain that plays a crucial role in the reward system. It is often associated with feelings of pleasure, motivation, and reinforcement of certain behaviors.
In the context of a narcissistic relationship, dopamine can play a significant role in the dynamics between the narcissist and the victim (often referred to as the “narcissistic supply”).
Narcissists are individuals who have an excessive sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. They often manipulate and exploit their partners emotionally, seeking constant validation and attention. Are you with a narcissist? Take the Quiz here.
The victim, in this case, might feel a sense of excitement or pleasure when the narcissist shows them attention or affection. This positive reinforcement leads to the release of dopamine in the brain, creating a pleasurable sensation, similar to what happens in other forms of addiction.
When the victim finally decides to end the relationship or distance themselves from the narcissist, they might experience withdrawal from dopamine. This withdrawal is not a physical one, like with drugs or alcohol, but rather a psychological and emotional response to the sudden absence of the source of validation and positive reinforcement.
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Dopamine WIthdrawal Symptoms
The withdrawal from dopamine in this context can manifest in several ways:
Cravings and Obsessive Thoughts: During the idealization phase of the narcissistic relationship, the victim likely received an abundance of attention, affection, and validation from the narcissist. These positive experiences lead to the release of dopamine in the brain, reinforcing the bond with the narcissist. When the relationship ends, the sudden absence of this positive reinforcement can create a void. The brain craves the pleasurable sensations it once experienced, leading to obsessive thoughts about the narcissist and a yearning to recapture the initial “high” of the relationship.
Emotional Rollercoaster: The aftermath of a narcissistic relationship can be emotionally turbulent. The victim may experience a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, guilt, and confusion. This emotional rollercoaster is a result of the brain adjusting to the loss of the intense emotional connection with the narcissist. Like other forms of withdrawal, these emotional fluctuations can be intense and challenging to navigate.
Anxiety and Depression: Leaving a narcissistic relationship can trigger feelings of anxiety and depression. The victim may fear retaliation from the narcissist, worry about being alone, or struggle with a diminished sense of self-worth after enduring emotional abuse. The absence of the narcissist’s validation can make the victim doubt their own worthiness, leading to feelings of sadness and hopelessness.
Sense of Emptiness: The constant need for validation from the narcissist and the emotional highs and lows during the relationship can create an unhealthy emotional dependency. When the relationship ends, the victim might feel a profound sense of emptiness or a void in their life. They may have become so enmeshed with the narcissist’s identity that without them, they feel lost and unsure of their own identity.
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Isolation and Loneliness: Narcissists often isolate their victims from friends and family as a means of control. The victim may have withdrawn from their support system during the relationship, and after the breakup, they may find themselves feeling isolated and without a social network to turn to. This sense of loneliness can exacerbate the feelings of emptiness and make the healing process more challenging.
Idealization of the Narcissist: Despite the abuse and mistreatment endured during the relationship, victims of narcissistic abuse may find themselves idealizing the narcissist during the withdrawal phase. This idealization can be a defense mechanism to cope with the pain of the breakup and the fear of being alone. They might remember only the positive aspects of the narcissist or make excuses for their abusive behavior, which can hinder the healing process and make it more difficult to move on.
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Healing from a narcissistic relationship requires a combination of self-compassion, support from others, and professional help if needed. Recognizing the addiction-like nature of the relationship, understanding the psychological effects of the narcissist’s manipulation, and rebuilding self-esteem are all essential steps in the healing journey. Therapy, counseling, and support groups can be invaluable resources for individuals seeking to break free from the cycle of a narcissistic relationship and build healthier, more fulfilling connections in the future.
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About The Author
Lynn Nichols
Lynn is a trauma-informed narcissistic abuse recovery coach, author, personal survivor, host of the Moving Forward with Hope - Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Podcast, and creator of the YouTube Channel, Wake the Elephant. Her books include Overcoming the Devastation of Narcissistic Abuse: How to Heal, Recover and Take Your Life Back and Master Manipulators: Discover Covert Tactics Narcissists Devise to Manipulate, Deceive and Control. She is passionate in encouraging others through the stages of healing and recovery from narcissistic emotional abuse. Lynn is available for interviews, podcast appearances, and collaborating on related projects. In her free time, Lynn enjoys traveling (both internationally and domestically) and spending time near the beach in warm weather. The purpose of this site is to validate victims (now survivors and overcomers!) of narcissistic abuse, provide resources and encouragement toward rebuilding lives, and to facilitate a revolutionary change to pursue dreams, visions, and living intentionally. If you have found our free material to be useful and beneficial, please head to our Support Page to learn how you can support our mission. We thank you in advance. Subscribe to our email list and follow us on Social Media to stay connected @waketheelephant.Validate. Rebuild. Revolutionize.